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DRUID AIJun 3, 2024 2:58:10 PM3 min read

Vlad Ionescu-Darzeu, DRUID Product Director Conversational AI

What was your first job, and what did it teach you?

My first job was with the family business in the oil and gas sector, where I worked on refinery projects. Since high school, I knew I would work there, and although I was passionate about programming, I pursued a career as a mechanical engineer. Here, I worked as an engineer and also held various leadership positions.

I gained hands-on fieldwork experience and learned how to manage and work effectively with people. Unfortunately, the economic crisis of 2008-2009 significantly impacted our company, putting me in the difficult position of having to shut down the family business in 2015, when we had about 250 employees. That was a moment when, once again, I had a lot to learn.

How did moving from HR to tech go, and what’s the thing you're proudest of in the whole process?

I began working with Lugera during a period when they were actively seeking engineers for specific recruitment projects. I somehow restarted myself there and had some fantastic experiences as a recruiter. Coming from an engineering background, I was very curious about the technical work those people were doing. I formed strong connections with developers and technical personnel and learned a great deal about technology and IT concepts through recruitment. From there, I moved to Total Soft, where I continued in a recruitment role.

What I'm most proud of is that I followed my own convictions and made a pivotal professional shift. It was a relay moment, both for my family and for my personal decisions. I chose to trust my instincts, pursuing a path that provided both personal satisfaction and financial security for my family.

What's a hobby of yours or something about you that your colleagues might find surprising?

I've always had a strong passion for anything technical, especially mechanics and automobiles. Even in college, my favorite professor would often tease me for spending more time at a very good friend's auto workshop than at his labs. This friend happens to be a talented hill climb racing Romanian driver. Following this sport has become a passion of mine. Unfortunately, competing in rally and hill climb races myself, even just as an amateur, remains a distant dream on my list. However, that's my closest passion. As for daily hobbies, I love tinkering and building things. Right now, I'm working on a treehouse for my daughters at home. I also have an immense love for nature.


What's your favorite memory from working here so far?

I recall a memory related to the first project I had here, right in my first month of activity. I was tasked with developing a bot integrated with an ERP system for this client and presenting it as a demo. Andreea entrusted me with managing the presentation on my own.

The memory of that evening, when nothing worked until 6 o'clock, is unforgettable. I worked until midnight, and in the end, the bot worked perfectly. This demo was a success and represented a crucial moment for me, proving to myself that I could handle these kinds of technical challenges, that I do belong here, and I have the trust I needed to grow. It was a memorable start that marked the beginning of continuous growth within the company.

What is the best career advice you have ever received?

The best advice came from my father, whose example I instinctively followed: "If you must do something, do it as well as you can, be honest and kind to those around you". And yes, I believe that has helped me a lot.

Why should someone join the DRUID team?

Joining DRUID is about being part of a place where we create based on beliefs we hold dear. It's not just another app or another product. This is a team that maintains the vibrant buzz of a young swarm of bees at the start of a journey, discovering a nectar that remains uniquely delightful. One can find many awesome colleagues here. Support is always available when asked for, even if sometimes it arrives a bit late, but there's a great sense of camaraderie. At DRUID, if you're inclined, there's substantial professional growth waiting for you.